Terms of Service


By registering on SuyogMatrimony.com, you explicitly understand and agree that : The minimum age for registering is 18 years for women and 21 years for men. You must agree to the terms and conditions of SuyogMatrimony.com and bound by them.

If you visit or sign up at Suyogmatrimony.com, you accept these conditions.


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SuyogMatrimony.com grants you a limited license to access and make personal use of this site and not to download (other than page caching) or modify it, or any portion of it, except with express written consent of SuyogMatrimony.com. This license does not include any resale or commercial use of this site or its contents. This site or any portion of this site may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without express written consent of SuyogMatrimony.com. Any unauthorized use terminates the permission or license granted by SuyogMatrimony.com. You may not use any Suyogmatrimony.com logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark as part of the link without express written permission.


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Length of Membership

❯ You continue to be a member of SuyogMatrimony.com till SuyogMatrimony.com discharges its obligations to you by the rendering of its services to you; or The termination of the membership by either SuyogMatrimony.com or you.

Privity of Membership

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Members are advised to make appropriate/through enquiries before acting upon any matrimonial advertisement. Our site does not vouch for or subscribe to the claims and representations made by advertisers regarding particulars of status, age, income of other members.

Online Conduct

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There is no limit to the number of profiles you are allowed to contact each day. Being a member you can express your interest to unlimited number of members. Your membership will automatically be suspended if you send "abusive, obscene or sexually oriented" messages to other members.

SuyogMatrimony.com has the right to delete your profile with/without any prior notice. Suyogmatrimony.com reserves the right to delete your photo/horoscope if it's not a valid/clear/related one. If we find duplicate profiles then we have rights to suspend any of the profile or all the profiles. Messages sent to members of the opposite gender should be only for the purpose of finding a life partner. You are not allowed to misuse the service in the name of "Dating", "Flirting", "Friendship" etc. SuyogMatrimony.com reserves the right to modify your profile if any prohibitive or objectionable content is found, or in the case of your contact details being entered in irrelevant fields. SuyogMatrimony.com may also modify the profile for other reasons not mentioned herewith.

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SuyogMatrimony.com will maintain confidential, all personal information [other than that meant for posting or transmission] furnished by members. However, SuyogMatrimony.com may divulge such information if required by law. By agreeing to register at SuyogMatrimony.com and its consortium of portals, a user allows SuyogMatrimony.com to get in touch with him/her from time to time on events or offers. This could include exciting offers, information, as well as promotions. SuyogMatrimony.com can use your email address and/or telephone number for this purpose.

Termination of Membership

❯ The membership may be terminated by either party by serving a written notice on the other. SuyogMatrimony.com reserves the right to terminate the membership, to suspend a profile or to disable access in respect of any member in breach of any of the terms. In no case will the Membership fees be refundable.